Congenital anomalies

We can take care of the following conditions:

Plastic surgery deals with reconstructing deformities of the face, hands, legs which afflict the young ones.

We deal with the following conditions:

  1. Facial anomalies –
    • Microstomia – where the mouth opening is smaller than normal
    • Macrostomia – where the mouth opening is larger than normal
    • Haemangioma – small vascular tumour than can cause disfigurement
    • Craniofacial microsomia – there is abnormal development of the orbit, facial nerve and mandible. This leads to cosmetic and functional problems to the child
    • Hemifacial atrophy – one half of the face looses its volume leading to disfigurement
  2. Ear anomalies –
    • Microtia – the ear is underdeveloped
    • Prominent ears – The pinna is lifted too much from the head. Also called bat ears.
    • Spock ears – The pinna resembles the star trek character Spock
  3. Chest anomalies –
    • Tuberous breast – the breast is constricted
    • Poland syndrome – one side of the chest is not developed
  4. Hand anomalies –
    • Syndactyly – the fingers are joined together
    • Polydactyly – there are more than the normal number of fingers
    • Cleft hand
    • Obstetric brachial plexus palsy – the child is unable to use the upper limb
  5. Genital anomalies –
    • Hypospadias – the urethra opens on the ventral surface of the penis
    • Penile web – Penis is buried in the scrotum
    • Clitoromegaly – Clitoris is too large and appears like a penis
  6. Lower limb –
    • Webbed feet
    • Constriction ring syndrome – an amniotic band disrupts the normal development of the limb.